Livestock Services

Herd Health / Disease Investigation

Sometimes things go wrong in our herd, and we need to know how to stop this. Greater Whitsunday Vet services is here to help when this happens. We work with departments and other veterinary services like laboratories to help get to the bottom of the issue at hand. We have dealt with many issues in our careers and are here to help. So, if you need assistance with any recent cattle deaths, calving losses, drop-in fertility rates or abortions please give us a call.

At Greater Whitsunday Vet Services, we also like to keep your herd in peak performance and offer other services such as worm egg counts, data analysis and grazing management advice.

If you are looking to have a chat about anything herd health related, please give our friendly staff a call and we can book and appointment. Below are some videos relating to herd health and disease investigation.

Herd Health / Disease Investigation

Video Guide

Videos Coming Soon

Emergency Assistance

Our Vets and nurses are available for afterhours emergencies for our clients 7 days a week. If you believe your animal is having an emergency, please contact us on 07 4786 1010 and follow the prompts. Here you will reach a member of our nursing team to help triage the situation.

Remember Greater Whitsunday Vet Services is a small team and not only do our vets and nurses work during the day but then go on call when they are at home at night. Please be courteous and only call if there is a genuine emergency. We understand it is a stressful time but please be courteous to staff as no aggression, violence or abuse is tolerated at our clinic.